Research Assistant
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  • BEng - Chemical Engineering , McGill University, MONTREAL, Canada

Research Project:  "Biosorption Process Simulation and Optimization"

              For expediting the experimental work in engineering process design and application it is desirable to model the process and "run experiments on the computer" - to do process simulation.  The capacity of a new, original model composed by others for the simulation of a biosorption process operating in a flow-through mode.  The solution algorithms for the model have been programmed into an MS-Excell environment and examined for application in simulating the biosorption process performance. The model consists of a series of differential equations that need to be solved simultaneously. The resulting values of process parameters allow playing eventually a what-if "computer game". Far from being a game, this computer exercise allows for finding the optimum values of process parameters to be adjusted in order to result in the optimum overall process performance. The  ultimate optimization of the process would have to be based on the cost-benefit criteria in order to locate the optimum process regime that would give the "maximum" performance at the minimum costs. Particularly the "maximum performance" quantification has to be carefully laid out.
